God Knows!  www.marilynmanson.com
best albums :  best songs : 
Mechanical Animals Coma White
Rock is Dead
Dope Show
Antichrist Superstar Angel With Scabbed Wings
Holy Wood  Lamb of God
Burning Flag
Born Again


Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals - Coma White Lyrics

1. Coma White - I will now share you my little secret. This is my all time favorite song. Ever.

Not 'till this day have I figured out what the word "Coma" refers to. And no, it's not just gibberish-to-make-people-think-it's-something-deep. Most bands in our days use a lot of abstract words, phrases to make the world wonder about what they meant in their songs, thus making them look smart.

Coma can be :

1. A girl who is on the brink of suicide because the world and the love of her life dont understand her mixed feelings. And in the end everything reduces to her own person. She is the one who can either save herself or the person who can end it all.

2. A state of mind, a feeling of disappointment towards the whole world. The blank facade is a double faced mirror here: a mask that the individual wears for the eyes of the world- a mask so impersonal, white and so fake, and a mask wore by the world in it's desire to crush all who are not "in the standards"

3. A drug who makes one's expressions seem lifeless and very weak. The same drug who will push the person over the edge of sanity and the edge of life. Even this powerful "pill" cannot save the person from what he really feels inside.

4. Marilyn Manson who tries to escape the ordinary world creating an imaginary paradise for himself were the world is not allowed nor invited. Sick of everything he tries to transform into "anybody" else, to seek fulfillment and maybe redemption for his previous lives.

5. An alien android who fells down to earth and finds not a perfect place but a place who is alive. Between different feelings it fells rejection from a world considered "perfect" but who will not accept any variation from the ordinary. Seeing it was wrong in it's hopes that everything alive must also be good and tolerant, the "white" mechanical android sees it's hopes and dreams crushed and lost, like a little girl that lost her favorite "doll". Now it wishes to find something to "escape" this world...

6. The Death who comes ripping from her underworld to claim yet another soul from the "perfect" big white world. Her tragic destiny is only surpassed by the grief of being the only one not to experience the state of life ever again. Dying is seen as a state in which you turn "numb" and after totally forgetting about your precedent life and in the end you get "recycled" into a newly born body, without any remains of the past.

7. An imaginary girl. UNTITLED is the last song on Mechanical Animals only to be listened by Autoplaying the CD on a computer.

In The End I Became Them And I Led Them
After All None Of Us Really Qualified as Humans
We Were Hardworn Automatic And As Hollow As The "O" In God
I Reattached My Emotions Cellular And Narcotic
From The Top Of Hollywood It Looked Like Space
Millions Of Capsules And Mechanical Animals
A City Full Of Dead Stars And A Girl I Called Coma White
This Is My Omega .

Probably the greatest trick on the album. You have 14 songs about "posthuman" existence, "mechanical brides","dope models" and a whole world of machines, robots, computers, androids who forgot how to feel, live, think, fuck, dream. Every time you refer to humans you see them as mythic androgyn without any gender at all. So in this automatic and colorless world, nobody will care about anybody suffering or dying. The greatest sin of this world is indifference.

Coma White is all and nothing.

Ending Words: coming soon...


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