black metal, extreme metal

best albums : 

best songs : 

Cruelty and The Beast 

 Thirteen Autumns And A Widow
 Beneath The Howling Stars
 Bathory Aria 



 Her Ghost In The Fog
 Tearing The Veil From Grace 


Dusk and Her embrace

 A Gothic Romance
 Malice Through The Looking Glass
 Dusk And Her Embrace 



Cradle Of Filth - Midian - Tearing The Veil From Grace Lyrics

1. Tearing The Veil From Grace  - from Midian LP. This is the supreme satanic song. It's not so much black as it is gothic. Sarah Jezebel Deva backgrounds the voice of Danii and the result is combined with deadly lyrics. Behind these lyrics you'll find biblical references (The Old Testament Isa. 14:5 and 12-15) and also some of Lucifer's ideals.

The exiled "nightbreed" tries to take back their rightful (!?) place amongst the angels and maybe more !? ("To retake what once was lost / To exalt our throne above the stars of God"). They seek vengeance upon those "who drove us from error to terror below". Corrupting the earth, now the newest target is the sky "Bursting through from our roofed abyss" and succeeding in transforming the "... divinity is a worm ridden mouth / In a darkened high house /Overrun by disease". Finally " our souls exult above the stars of God" 


Cradle Of Filth - Cruelty and The Beast - Bathory Aria Lyrics

2. Bathory Aria - from Cruelty and The Beast LP. Probably the most beautiful conceptual song from Cradle Of Filth. Tells the story of Lady Bathory, hungarian countess who entered the legend for her mysterious and blooded deeds (presumably a vampire). The "aria" has 3 parts contained in the song          

[I. Benighted Like Usher]

[II. A Murder of Ravens in Fugue]

[III. Eyes That Witnessed Madness]

showing the tragic yet magnificent destiny of the countess. 


Cradle Of Filth - Midian - Her Ghost In The Fog Lyrics

3. Her Ghost In The Fog - from Midian LP. Another tragic story about a "Queen Of Snow" who "dies" by the hands of the "men of God". A black masterpiece very nice instruments and an apocalyptic end. Also a very tragic love song. I suggest you listen to this song with the volume as high as you can stand it. 

Ending Words :  Cradle Of Filth is the sort of band that you either hate or love. There is no middle way here. Either you like Danii's voice or you think it sounds like a woman that's being raped. Either you understand the lyrics or you dont. If your native language in not english this is a very good test for you. If you can translate all the lyrics then you can make lots of people envy your knowledge of english. But that does not mean that anyone who uses past tenses of verbs or archaic forms or metaphors is a poet. The LP's and songs in here are chosen by my and reflect my opinion. I also like their other albums and songs, and maybe one or two slipped my mind. Shit happens.


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